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COVID-19: The troop of the infected lion king, the MOGADOR theater suspends its representations

Again Monday, there was only a single "suspected case" positive at the COVVI-19.Today, more than half of the troop would be infected.The Mogador Theater announced on Tuesday, cancel all its next performances of the Lion King due to a large contamination of the show team, but also of its staff at the Coronavirus.The adapted show of the Broadway musical will not resume until December 31, said the Parisian institution.

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To read Mogador immediately: two representations of the Lion King canceled due to COVIvies

According to the details provided on Twitter by Gwendal Marimoutou, headliner of the show in the role of Simba, "more than half of the cast" would have been tested positive for COVVI-19.140 people, including 49 artists, participate in total in the Lion King, a pharaonic musical inspired by Disney film.The show, which is played in a room with a capacity of 1,600 seats, has been full on several occasions in the past few days."Test, vaccinated or not, as much as possible," alerted Gwendal Marimoutou on Tuesday.

Meteoric propagation

"We are sorry for this situation which strikes us while all the measures have been taken to prevent contamination," said the Théâtre Mogador, in a statement published on December 21 on its social networks.It is all the more painful as it deprives you, spectators, and we, troop and personal of the theater combined, of a real moment of celebration that we are delighted to spend with you.But the health and safety of our spectators, artists and staff prevail over any other consideration.»»

Covid-19 : la troupe du Roi Lion infectée, le Théâtre Mogador suspend ses représentations

À lire aussiCovid-19 : le variant Omicron devrait être «majoritaire»» en France «entre Noël et Nouvel an»», confirme Gabriel Attal

A first case of COVID-19 had been detected this Saturday in the MOGADOR theater team, between the two performances of the Lion King scheduled for December 18.His discovery had led to the immediate cancellation of the evening performance, as well as the one scheduled for Sunday.The Parisian room had originally maintained the following representations, supposed to resume this Tuesday.

Since mid-December, France has faced as in the rest of Europe to a new wave of the coronavirus epidemic, carried by the propagation of the new omicron variant of the COVVI-19. À Paris, «plus d'une contamination sur trois (au Covid-19) semble liée au variant Omicron»» à Paris, a déclaré mardi à ce sujet le porte-parole du gouvernement, Gabriel Attal.

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