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College |Ministry of National Education of Youth and Sports

A new step for the college of developments necessary for:

More flexibility in compulsory lessons

Objective: to give more confidence to players in the field

11 p.m. in 6th:22 hours in 5th, 4th and 3rd

At the end of the college, any student must have benefited from these complementary forms.PPE can start from the 6th.They no longer have any theme or number imposed: -3h in 6th- 4h in 5th, 4th and 3rd- Personalized support (AP)- Interdisciplinary practical lessons a common or complementary teaching can, from the 6th, be provided in a living languageforeign or regional, provided that this teaching does not represent more than half of the total hourly volume.

Enriched -objective optional teachings: Open college to Europe and the world assess the cultural roots

- At the start of the 2017 school year, re -established balance sheets

- by 2020, +10% of institutions twinned with a German establishment

- from the 5th up to two h/week of language teaching and culture and European- restoration of Latin and Greek from the 5th 1h/week- in 4th and 3rd until 3 hours/week

From the 5th until 2 a.m.

College organization

The college welcomes all students without the end of primary school without examination.It allows you to educate all students in a unique setting.Schooling in college has four years: the 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd.Compulsory education is organized in three -year cycles, which give the time necessary to better learn.In college the sixth is the last year of cycle 3, the other levels constitute cycle 4.

Sixth: Last year of cycle 3, consolidation cycle

The 6th grade must allow students to adapt to the organization and living environment of the college, as well as to ensure the continuity of learning undertaken in the first two years of the cycle in the classes of CM1 and CM2.

Particular attention is paid to the reception of students and their adaptation to secondary education.

The assignment depends on the rest of the training: general and technological high school, versatile high school, vocational high school, training center through learning, etc..The student's school book can be decisive for this assignment.

In the 6th grade class, the teachings of life and earth sciences, physics-chemistry and technology can be grouped in "science and technology", being the subject of a common program, in continuity of the first years of the cycle3.

These lessons enrich the teaching offer and contribute to the opening on Europe and the world, to the valuation of cultural roots.

Digital skills

Educational digital adapts to the needs of each student and strengthens the acquisition of knowledge.It also promotes responsible use of Internet and social networks.

College assessment

The common foundation of knowledge, skills and culture

The "common foundation of knowledge, skills and culture" constitutes the set of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes necessary for successful schooling, his life as an individual and future citizen.From primary school to the last year of compulsory education, students gradually acquire the skills and knowledge of this common base.Teachers certify the level reached in each component of the common base at the end of each teaching cycle.

The unique school booklet

Le collège | Ministère de l'Education Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports

A unique school book follows your child from the CP, and until the third class.Accessible online, it reports on its progress and its achievements in school programs designed by three -year cycles.

The unique school booklet de votre enfant - Brochure

Le diplôme national du brevet (DNB)

À la fin de la classe de troisième, une étape importante de la scolarité attend l'élève : le diplôme national du brevet (DNB).Its obtaining is based on the cumulative points for the assessment of the base (continuous control) and the tests of the terminal examination.

The end -of -cycle 4 assessment indicates the degree of acquisition of the eight components of the common foundation of knowledge, skills and culture of your child by positioning on a four -level scale.These levels are converted to points whose sum gives your child's result to continuous control.

The terminal examination tests include:

Four written tests:

Une épreuve orale pour les candidats scolaires : présentation d'un projet mené en histoire des arts ou dans le cadre d'un EPI ou de l'un des parcours éducatifs, puis entretien

Accompaniment of middle school students

To help students who have difficulties, and allow everyone to progress at best, educational support is offered to all students.This support can take several forms, and take place during lessons or in their extension.

Support devices meet specific needs;Some are notably organized in priority education.

The establishment project

The colleges define and implement an establishment project, which allows them to take initiatives.Their autonomy has increased in educational and educational matters.She relates in particular to:

The establishment project is developed in common by the various partners and adopted by the Board of Directors.He expresses the educational and educational choices of the college by defining the particular methods of implementing national guidelines and programs given the diversity of the school public welcomed.

The functioning of colleges

Who's doing in college?

L'équipe de direction

It is formed:

The main education advisers (s) are closely associated with it.

The board of directors regulates, by its deliberations, the affairs of the establishment and fixes in particular the establishment project, the rules of organization and the budget.

Le conseil pédagogique

This council, chaired by the head of the establishment, brings together at least one principal teacher of each level of education, at least one teacher per disciplinary field and a main education advisor.He is consulted in particular on the organization and coordination of teachings, as well as on the evaluation of school skills of students.He prepares the educational part of the establishment project.

Le conseil école-collège

The School-College Council associates a public college and public schools in its recruitment sector in order to help improve the educational and educational continuity between the school and the college.This council offers the board of directors of the college and the councils of schools in its sector cooperation actions, lessons and common educational projects aimed at acquiring by students in the common foundation of knowledge, skills and culture.

Les équipes pédagogiques

There are several types of teaching teams.

Those made up of class have the mission of promoting consultation between class teachers, ensuring the follow -up and evaluation of students and organizing personalized support.

The teaching teams constituted by discipline promote the necessary coordination between teachers of the same discipline, or disciplines of the same field, for example to ensure the coherence of lessons throughout a cycle.

Le conseil de classe

He examines the educational questions concerning the life of the class, examines the progress of the education of each student in order to better guide him in his work and his choices of studies, and decides on the conditions under which his schooling continues from eachstudent.It is chaired by the head of the establishment and composed of teachers, two delegates of parents of students, two students' delegates, the main education advisor, the guidance councilor and possibly medico-social staff.

Le comité d'éducation à la santé et à la citoyenneté

In the second degree, the Health and Citizenship Education Committee (CESC) has four missions:

It is in an educational continuity that students must be initiated allowing students to develop behaviors of individual, collective, moral and civic responsibility by calling on the sensitivity, consciousness and commitment of each.

The methods of action must be articulated with the objectives of knowledge and skills for the mastery of the common base, in particular those in field 3 "the training of the person and the citizen", the disciplinary and interdisciplinary lessons as well as the different courseseducational implemented, more particularly the educational health journey and the citizen journey.

Actions are also part of a co -education approach with parents and the implementation of educational alliances.

The CESC is chaired by the head of the establishment and can understand:

In the case of an interdegrated CESC, representatives of first degree teachers, school directors and national education inspectors in charge of the first degree district participate in the health education committee andto citizenship (CESC).

Le conseil de la vie collégienne (CVC)

The CVC consists of students' representatives, at least two staff representatives, including a teaching staff, and at least one representative of the parents of students.The board of directors stops its composition, the methods of election or designation of its members as well as the terms of its operation.The CVC is a dialogue and exchange body.He formulates proposals in particular on the implementation of the future course, the citizen journey, the educational health career and the artistic and cultural education course.

Les parents d'élèves

Parents are full members of the educational community.Dialogue with teachers and other staff of each school is assured.The principal teacher and the main education advisor are the privileged interlocutors of families and students.Representatives of parents of students participate in the class and administrative councils of establishments.

Financial resources and management

Colleges are financially autonomous.The Department is responsible for the remuneration of technical, workers and service personnel and pays an operating subsidy for colleges.The State ensures the remuneration of staff other than technician, worker and service and certain educational expenses.Colleges have their own budget, voted by the board of directors and controlled by the local authority, the academy and the prefect.The accounting agent and the head of the establishment are responsible for the execution of the budget.The administrative and financial control of establishments is a matter of cross -skills:

Consult the reference texts

You are a teacher, find resources on the eduscol site

College: presentation, organization of lessons, help and support, openness to the world of trades, etc..

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