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The blue kitchen decor - a kitchen in the seventh sky

Color of the lagoons but also of the sky, blue is present all around us.Symbol of wisdom, serenity and dreams, this soothing color is among the favorites of the French.A real crush that we will also manifest by the choice of colors for the interior of our houses.In the bedroom, the living room, the bathroom but also in the kitchen, because the blue kitchen is a guarantee of conviviality, calm and unparalleled warmth.And depending on the chosen shade, it could take on several other aspects.Which ?Stay with us to see!

What nuance for my blue cuisine?Stay with us to find the full range!

Why blue?

When we talk about blue, there is never a question of a single color but of a whole palette of nuances that fascinate by their wealth.A diversity whose interior decor will take advantage of to create a variety of atmospheres depending on the degree of intensity and the more or less cold character of the color.The impressive versatility is then at the origin of the miraculous aptitude of blue to find its place in any kitchen and whatever the decorative theme chosen.The list of virtues is supplemented by the very soft and peaceful character of this color and its capacity to visually enlarge the space.A real asset for kitchens with restricted area that will benefit from any additional M2.

A peaceful color but also with great finesse - the main reason to love blue!

What shades of blue?

Well, we convinced you to opt for blue but there at this stage, things get complicated because as we have just said, you can really get lost in the labyrinth of nuances currently offered.But do not panic because we are there by your side to give you a little help!Side clear colors First, it is necessary to start with the sky blue which is appreciated for its freshness and timelessness.Very close to him, Pastel blue is the star of the Chic and Vintage country style kitchen, as it presented itself during the 50s and 60s.And if you bet on a more vibrant atmosphere, do not hesitate to turn to the turquoise nuance that will make you dream of tropical landscapes.Note that the latter is perfectly associated with orange to further boost the kitchen and provide an additional exotic note.

Pastel blue kitchen for a retro country atmosphere

The dark shades moreover, are very popular lately.You can really drown in the depths of the royal, naval, overseas or night blue - shades that are not likely to stay unnoticed in a kitchen dressed in neutral.Adopted on the walls, these tones give a theatrical atmosphere, as if we were on the scene of a show.Combined with marble and brass accents, dark blue leads to an elegant, luxurious and contemporary decor.In order to make it less pretentious, associate with wooded accents that will breathe some heat.Duck blue, peacock and oil are other very topical saturated tones that will transport you on a heavenly island but which must be used sparingly, therefore preferably, in combination with neutral.

Wide blue kitchen for a chic and contemporary atmosphere

La déco cuisine bleue – une cuisine au septième ciel

How to adopt blue?

The course of the choice of past shade, it is now necessary to decide how to use the color.And there is no need to mention, the total look in blue, is to be avoided.Same for wall painting!Repainting all of the blue walls is a risky company that could result on a feeling of suffocation.It is better to opt for a single section of wall repainted with blue, accompanied by other decorative details of the same color, for example a central island of the same shade.

Color blue kitchen paint tamed by the heat of the wood and the white color

The other way to proceed, consists in choosing furniture of this color.In most cases, this is a kitchen facade or a central island of blue color, the rest of the decor being dominated by the neutral.In this case blue takes on the role of a personalizing accent whose role would be to restore interest and character to the kitchen.And to make even more original, you can think of a low in blue furniture, contrasting with that from above which would be another color (gray or white most often).The central island in blue would be a very interesting way to create a visual separation in the case of a kitchen open to the dining room or a living room.

A midnight blue on the kitchen facade and the central island

Blue credenza is an idea that should not be underestimated because it is undoubtedly the most creative way of inviting the color in question.Even better if you dare to use an effects.Because apart from the geometric tiles repainted in blue, you might also think of a blue green groan with watercolor effect or a blue splash with fish scale that will immerse you in the reverie of a tropical beach.Finally, a pretty blue mosaic?Why not ?Zellia or colorful Moroccan earthenware is a great idea to give a little oriental touch to your kitchen.

An original blue credenza with fish scales

The shades of Blues or the combination of different shades of blue is another way of introducing blue on several levels but without doing too much.A single shade of omnipresent blue, it may exceed the limits of what is aesthetic and pleasant to sight, while by varying the tones, you avoid the flashy effect.Some will even dare to create a sort of shadow of blues, which will make the decor super chic and trendy.And then, at the other end, you will find the introduction of blue with small touches.Because used with sparingly, blue would find its place in any decor and any type of interior would indeed benefit from the virtues of the blue in decoration.A kind of passout so to speak!

A very successful combination of Blues - the first of a clear nature and the second, dark

With what other colors to marry blue?

As for associations of successful colors with blue, full of options appear in front of you according to the atmosphere you would like to create.For a touch of pep, do not hesitate to opt for the vibrant blue-orange combination which resonates perfectly with the conviviality of the space that is the kitchen.Same for yellow which will lead on the same contrasting effect but charged with energy and vitality.Blue is still associated perfectly with the touches of green to compose a tropical decoration, urban jungle style.If you would like to play the safety card on the other hand, the blue, gray and white combination will be put.On the material side, blue being a color very present in nature, a combination with the heat of the wood would be a great idea.The marble, of its PRT, will come out an elegant, even luxurious side.

A blue, retro chic design kitchen

Midnight and white blue for an elegant and refined decor

Navy blue, white and red to have a vintage -fired class kitchen

A charming pastel blue to arrange a kitchen as in the 50s

A wall lambri repainted with blue to create a beautiful chic countryside decor

Blue, wood and raw brick wall for a very warm vintage decor

Gray blue in all its splendor ...

Low in blue furniture as accent in a very fresh white and wood kitchen

Petroleum blue color and celadon shade - a perfect blue wedding

Several shades of blue combined with touches of gray and black for a contemporary and well -ordered decor

Invite blue by a credenza that highlights decorative dishes

A seaside decoration in blue and white

Pell mell of photos of the "big blue" for a touch of blue in a white and gray kitchen

Color Bleu Petroleum adopted invading the walls but also the furniture

Blue introduces through a very original mosaic soil

Very luxurious vintage decoration marrying a deep blue with the brown

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