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The 45 educational resources of the week (from June 4 to 11, 2021) thread Twitter


Choukri Ben Ayed: Great poverty and school: get out of fatality

""""Today it is not the ideas, energies or the know-how to deal with the ravages of great poverty in the educational field.What we need is a collective desire to make it a priority of public action """".The publication of the book directed by Choukri Ben Ayed is good news.It is one of those books that we expect and that we recommend.He is also precious by the way he meets scientific knowledge and experiences of actors in the field.If great poverty weighs heavily on the School (1.6 m of poor students against 1.2M in 2012), the book shows teachers, school heads, local actors who do not give up and act.This is the message of """"great poverty and school: getting out of fatality"""" (Berger Levrault): we can, we have to make social inequalities back at the School.It's possible.Choukri Ben Ayed, who directs this collective work, explains how.

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Audrey Murillo: Take a good start with her class

What to do with a new class?This is not a question that for beginners.In fact, at each start of the school year, teachers start with new students and must build a relationship that allows the class to operate.However, the experience acquired is not zero.It allows you to learn and also to find the posture, the gestures, the organization of the class that suits its pedagogy, its personality, its establishment.This is also that we find in the book of Audrey Murillo (take a good start with his classes, ESF Human Sciences).We find everything that research has defined as knowledge on the teacher relationship - students, the installation of the working environment, the knowledge to know about the students or the way of holding in the duration.The originality of the work of A.Murillo, researcher at the National School of Training of Agricultural Education, is that these research works are constantly confronted with testimonies from teachers.As André Tricot explains, pupil the book, this book """"chooses not to make the choice between research results and testimonies of teachers or students"""".Because intuition, teachers' experience also counts in the adventure of a clase, which remains a human project.This intelligence illuminates a book which is useful for everyone to () prepare (to) back to school.Read what Audrey Murillo tells us.

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When boys tire the teachers...

""""What can schools and teachers do to help boys reduce their inferiority in reading?""""The OECD tries to answer this question by using the results of the international Talis survey.Unfortunately, for the OECD, helping boys implies an increase in the workload for teachers.Are boys a calamity?

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Training in the new educator

""""A Freinet teacher is formed all life"""".While the Minister is promoting teacher training reform, the Freinet movement presents its conception of training.This takes us to the Freinet in Inspe pedagogy, an article that will shudder on rue de Grenelle.Alain Buekenhoudt poses """"tags for effective training"""".Rémi Brault and Xavier Fleury present a training experience with the natural method in maths.

The new educator n ° 253

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Gérard Vergnaud died

Director of research at the CNRS, where he created the Greek """"didactics and acquisition of scientific knowledge"""", he taught in Paris 5 and Paris 8.""""Deeply interested in the analysis of activity and the articulations between action and thought, he developed the"""" theory of conceptual fields """", a powerful theoretical framework which has fueled two main research orientations: the didactics of mathematicsand the didactics of other disciplines mainly taught in schools.He supported the creation of Ardéco continuing his reflection on conceptualization in action and development of skills.Adult training.He managed several research works on the development of skills and learning of low -level adults and he largely inspired the theoretical current of professional didactics which was founded among others by Pierre Pastré, theOne of his doctoral students, """"write Line Numa Bocage, Maria Pagoni and Nadja Acioly-Régnier for a tribute paid by Ardéco.At the educational café, we heard it on the didactics of math in kindergarten.

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Manage cyberbullying

How to manage a crisis situation linked to a publication on a social network?The Bordeaux Academy and Clémi Bordeaux publish a brochure reminiscent of the law, invites us to act with the victim and the author and to report the contents.It also invites to deconstruct the speeches on the """"dangers of screens"""".""""It is essential to be wary of demonizing and anxiety -provoking approaches centered on"""" dangers of screens """", as must be wary of a naive approach to the subject.We cannot brush a panorama of these information and communication tools without mentioning their limits and risks """", explains the brochure which also recalls that accompanying students on social networks is part of the common base and programsdisciplinary.

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Do we always need a teacher in the ass?

""""It is more than urgent that the school is investing as a priority in its role as permanent and non -episodic educator concentrated in an alibis course showcase.Besides, we should no longer give the teachers the only title of teachers, but name them of """"educators-teachers"""", in this order to clear the priority to grant to education.Not only """"learn"""" but above all """"learn to learn"""" during this initiatory period to serve as a referential matrix later as an adult in his life choices (profession, family, citizen...) """", writes Pierre Crombez, retired teacher, in the heart, a Belgian daily life.""""The containment of students because of the pandemic would not have had its negative effects so impactful if they had learned to take care of themselves and to go alone.""""

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The OCCE opens a teacher training platform

""""We know, in fact, that it is not easy to live daily cooperation in classes and that we all need to be supported, accompanied in this process to see more clearly, find resources and sharehis difficulties """".The OCCE opens a training platform for teaching staff and education with the assistance of the Alain Savary Center (IFE).Training is structured around four thematic networks: artistic and literary culture, reading-writing, citizen education and scientific culture.

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Colleges: departments in the face of the health crisis

Good news for the departments: the health crisis has not exploded the spending of the colleges, announces a study carried out by the Association of the Departments of France (ADF).The departments have had additional costs due to the COVVID but they probably also made savings due to the health crisis.Good news for educational communities: the majority of departments plan to intervene on buildings to better adapt them to the epidemic.And the departments are divided on the status of managers.

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Bruno Devauchelle: Learning adaptive and education ethics

Le discours doux sur """"l'adaptive learning"""" cache une réalité plus inquiétante et récurrente dans l'histoire : ne peut-on automatiser certains apprentissages en s'appuyant sur des machines informatiques ? S'il est nécessaire de surveiller de près les """"données"""" qu'utilise l'éducation, il est au moins aussi important de se pencher sur les algorithmes sous-jacents au traitement des données captées par la machine.To cope with this technical drift it is necessary that ethical benchmarks make it possible to build a framework, a supervision of all these software that arrives in education.It is therefore time to think about this mechanistic drift which, if we are not vigilant, can make us go slowly but surely towards a dehumanization of the educational process.

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Bruno Devauchelle: re-humanize teaching with and without digital

For several years, and more recently with the containment and massive use of digital technology, the question arises of human interactions between adults and young people within the education system.Basically, the image of a young person alone, glued to the screen that we cannot detach it is the generic image that carries the idea of the dehumanization linked to the screens.In the classroom and in all his school career, the image of the student alone in front of his sheet facing the teacher and without communicating with his neighbors is another generic image which also carries the sameidea.Certain life situations seem conducive to loss of relationship, or deterioration even in a face to face situation.The feeling of distance, of distance, provided by the use of digital means during periods of containment has brought a number of teachers, students, parents, educators to express a feeling of dehumanization. Faisant écho ainsi aux critiques de longue date sur la """"froideur"""" des liaisons à distance (on ne se sent pas, on ne se touche pas...) This feeling deserves to be analyzed and questioned. Est-ce uniquement le numérique qui en est la cause ? Les relations dans le monde scolaire ne sont-elles pas aussi parfois déshumanisées ? La scientifisation de l'enseignement (neuroéducation, approche par compétences, par exemple) et de l'éducation n'est-elle pas aussi en train de déshumaniser les relations éducatives ? L'idée de """"professionnalisation"""" de l'activité enseignante n'est-elle pas aussi le terreau d'un """"refroidissement"""" de la relation éducative ?

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Digital : Vieilles formules et constat sévère de l'Inspection générale

Equip the establishments with a resource check, give their place to local communities in the management of educational digital technology, balance expenses between equipment, resources and training: many points of the report by inspectors general Paul Mathias, Zaïr Kedadouche and Jean-MichelSchmitt recall what has already been tempted, written, hoped, reformulated etc.Throughout the history of educational digital technology.Finally what really emerges from the report is the severe story of the ministry’s imparation before confinement and its effects.And even the observation of an unthought of digital in the institution.

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The Assembly has a mission on hybrid education

The National Assembly now has an information mission on the legal and statutory framework of hybrid or distance education in school and higher education.She is chaired by Frédéric Reiss (LR) and has Rapporteur Béatrice Piron (LREM). """" la mission d’information abordera les problématiques sous un angle juridique.She will deal with the issues relating to rights (training, disconnection, schedule, etc..) and duties of teachers, to the more general issues of image rights of all those concerned, respect for privacy, data protection and hacking, and management of courses (issues of incivility noted) """".The mission then appears that arbitrations are underway on the counterparts of the Grenelle and the evolution of the teaching profession.We find the supports of JM Blanquer: C Rilhac, B Studer, C Calvez etc.She will return her conclusions in November.

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The first degree weekly

Nathalie Aussaires and Sandra Ducatteau: Write for budding feathers

What could be more motivating for students and teachers than telling yourself that we are writing a story that will be read by thousands of their peers?The budding feather competition, organized by Nathan, brings together more than a thousand classes every year and tens of thousands of students.This year, 1198 classes have registered in the competition, 45,000 students participated in the adventure.A school in Seine-Saint-Denis has particularly distinguished itself.The Blaise Pascal school in Gagny saw two of her classes win prizes.The CP class of Nathalie Aussaires which won the first national prize for the competition as well as the CE1 class of Sandra Ducatteau, which is one of the two winners of the Créteil Academy.

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Seeds of kindergarten scientists

How to implement learning the living world, objects and material in kindergarten?Directed by Frédéric Charles (Lyon 1), the work brings together contributions from teachers, researchers and trainers.It shows cooperation with kindergarten teachers in all scientific disciplines PS, MS and GS.

F Charles, Seeds of kindergarten scientists, Université Grenoble Alpes éditions, ISBN 978-2-7598-2561-5, 25€

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Elementary: work on viruses

Fight against myths!Bruce Demagé Bost offers an operating document for the show is still not rocket science on viruses.He indicates how to access the program.The sheet allows you to check the knowledge of viruses.The correction is provided!

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Sciences and breeding at school

Why set up breeding in class?Which species to choose?What does the law say?How to exploit this breeding?The Nantes Academy publishes a very well done small guide which allows you to choose the breeding best suited to its project and then deepen work.

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Flanders establishes a kindergarten end examination

According to RTBF, Flanders sets up a Flemish language exam in the third year of kindergarten next year.If the child fails this exam, the school may recommend repetition in kindergarten. Sinon l'enfant pourra passer en CP mais il devra suivre en plus un """"parcours d'intégration linguistique"""".A quarter of Flanders' students do not have the mother tongue the Flemish.

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It's either watching TV or learning to speak

Published by Scientific Reports, the search for Pauline Martinot, Jonathan y.Bernard1, Hugo Peyre, Maria de Agostini, Anne Forhan, Marie? Aline Charles, Sabine Plancoulaine and Barbara Held on 1562 children for several years.The researchers observed the exhibition on television and the mastery of language (verbal intellectual quotient) from 2 to 5 years.The conclusion is final: exhibition on television during meals is associated with lower snifles of language mastery.TV still lit at 2 years has the same negative effect.For authors public health policies should be concerned with the time of television observation.

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The Icem Freinet worried about educational freedom

""""Quid de la liberté pédagogique des équipes ET des enseignant·e·s existant depuis la création de notre école publique ?"""", s""""inquiète l'Icem Freinet.The educational movement gives two examples. """"Jusqu'alors, les instructions officielles indiquaient des niveaux à atteindre par le biais des programmes et chaque enseignant·e ou équipe avait la liberté de choisir les moyens d'atteindre ces objectifs. Depuis la mise en place des classes dédoublées en REP et REP+, les enseignant·e·s qui ne suivent pas la méthode préconisée par le ministre sont scandaleusement harcelé·e·s : visites tous les mois, même chez des collègues """"senior·e·s"""" qui ont fait leurs preuves, et entretiens se rapprochant davantage d'un lavage de cerveau que d'échanges pédagogiques constructifs, avec une mauvaise foi flagrante"""", écrit l'iCEM; L'autre exemple concerne les directions d'école que la loi Rilhac, modifiée par le Sénat, va transformer en supérieur hiérarchique.

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The weekly letters

Déborah Lepoder: Playing with the language in college

Transforming French teaching into living language manipulation workshops?This is the bet of Déborah Lepoder, college professor in Essarts-en-Bocage in Vendée.Trousseau of words, writing cards, leaflet of conjugations, adaptation of board games such as power 4, Dobble, jungle speed or the game of 7 families: proposals, varied, allow to ""anchor the knowledge"" of the students "", bring them to ""learn without realizing it"" come to ""meet their needs for concrete, action, rhythm"".Déborah Lepoder's educational toy library is enriched with new games over the months: pretty work tools shared on her site by a teacher who also likes to ""imagine, create, manipulate"" ...

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Polyphonic and polyglot poetry in high school

At Lycée Jean-Jacques Rousseau in Sarcelle, Les Pétres de Terminale Specialty Humanités, Literature and Philosophy share a collective creation: a sound collection of poems, enriched, transformed, removed.The project was implemented as part of a sequence on the theme ""say violence"".The students thought about how violence is mentioned by words in Aimé Césaire, Léon Gontran Damascus, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, Audre Lorde, Gloria Anzaldua, Kitty Tsui, Mohja Kahf.They selected extracts from their poems, worked on a voice, inserted their own fragments, translates certain passages in a dozen different languages, recorded a polyphonic reading in the webradio studio of the CDI CDI.A great invitation to make a citizen of a poetic and cosmopolitan world ...

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Work in groups the transversal study of the work

Professor of letters at the Lycée Paul Valéry in Meknes, Véronique ARBAULT sets up an inspiring device to work on the overall study of a work: the ""stir-child"" with rotating sheets.By thematic approaches, it is a question of collectively constituting a bank of arguments and examples for a dissertation.Each group of students receives 2-3 cards bearing a theme, is awarded a specific color, completes the sheet by an argument to justify the thesis and a specific example with if possible page indication and/or quote.""We then run the cards in the direction of the needles of a watch: the other groups are responsible for completing"" until I am exhausted from ideas.»». Thèmes ainsi explorés sur Montaigne : une mise en application des valeurs et principes humanistes, une remise en question de la notion de « barbarie»», un plaidoyer pour la réhabilitation des Amérindiens, un réquisitoire contre la colonisation, une écriture originale, une démarche argumentative efficace, Montaigne passeur de la différence.

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Use digital in letters

Digital is a platform developed by Emmanuel Zimmert: free, secure, free, without advertising, it offers un panel d’outils très large pour faire travailler les élèves en présence ou à distance : documents collaboratifs, murs de type Padlet, animations, sondages, nuages de mots, gestions de classe, activités H5P… Avec le Pôle Digital Lettres Normandie, Ophélie Jomat, professeure de français au Havre, invite à en découvrir des applications en lettres.To be explored: tutorials, a sequence on the fantastic, shared readers newspapers, a wheel of lexical fortune, a quiz on lyric poetry ...

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The weekly sciences

Claire Lommé: colors in maths

Here is the story of a mathematical adventure, part of the idea of a school teacher, enriched thanks to the digital exchanges between teachers, and who ends up deploying in classes, with another life in project.A story as I like them: as mathematical as human, and in connection with culture: here, the visual arts.

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Slam and radio to prepare the big oral

How to prepare their high school students for the big oral?Jonathan Guyot, professor of SVT, at the Lycée Rémi Belleau de Nogent-le-Rotrou (28) has been supervising a radio workshop for several years with his students. « Nous émettons sur la bande FM et tout le lycée se mobilise en direct de 7h à 20h sur une thématique donnée»».In parallel with this well -established project, the teacher called on a Slameur artist to teach students speech art.Posture, interaction, pose of voice and even big oral battles are on the program for these training prized by high school students.""Each student declares their question and puts itself in the jury.This situation is essential. L’élève comprend que ce n’est pas un exposé mais une argumentation verbale»», apprécie Jonathan Guyot qui regrette toutefois que « les nombreuses opportunités de travail de l’oral au lycée ont disparu avec la fin de l’AP, des TPE et des enseignements d’exploration»».

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Live from the 2021 APMEP seminar

""""I learned things and I asked myself new questions, or differently.What is really crazy is the coherence of the whole...The presentations answered themselves, questioned themselves, completed """".Claire Lommé returns to the APMEP seminar, an association of math teachers, which she has fully reported. """"Au moment dune crise inédite des vocations, les démissions, les difficultés et souffrances chez les enseignants de mathématiques (ce qui ne veut pas dire que cela ne concerne qu’eux, bien sûr), l’APMEP m’a amenée à réfléchir sur mon métier, son histoire, ses enjeux, ce qu’il est, pourrait et « devrait»» être aujourd’hui.Just to say to us: let's take a step back, let's take stock, think and then we can build """".Discover this seminar and the reflections of C Lommé.

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Math: What activities to model?

""""La compétence """"Modéliser"""" est, parmi les compétences travaillées, celle qui aborde de front le lien des mathématiques avec un extérieur à la discipline"""". Le groupe Traam de l'académie de Nantes publie un beau document sur les activités mathématiques pour travailler la compétence """"modéliser"""" au collège et au lycée.It offers around thirty activities for all levels.

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SVT: earthworms to biodiversity and EDD

How to allow students, in particular the eco -legated, to carry out a diagnosis or to implement actions around the preservation of ecosystems in and around their establishment?Christelle Chevreux offers a beautiful 6th grade sequence where students collect data on earthworms and participate in a Vigie Nature project.They learn the role of earthworms in decomposition.

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The weekly sciences HUMAINES

Pascal Ravenel: A high school mobilizes for equality girls boys

""""To bring women who have imposed themselves against patriarchy is to show that young girls can be proposal forces and to engage"""".Pascal Ravenel, professor of history-geography, organized meetings between the students of the Lycée Louis Armand d'Eaubonne (95) and famous women, as part of a high school convention.An experience that has engaged students from the professional and the general and teachers from several disciplines.

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Prepare the big oral

The academic site of Créteil puts many educational documents online on the preparation of the Grand Oral with digital tools: the podcast in the service of orality, the nuance play at the service of orality, oral training etc.The Toulouse site was interested in the evaluation of the Grand Oral in history-geography.It offers an evaluation grid and gives examples of activities.The site also offers an interactive quiz on the knowledge of the test.

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History: the days of archeology

From June 18 to 20, archeology is in the spotlight.On the occasion of these days many events take place.A number are open to school groups.It's quite rare but there are still about thirty in France.For example the visits to the Chalons excavation sites in Champagne, Metz, Artenay, Bobigny (93) or Vitry sur Seine.Or that of the archaeological sites of or museums of Montmaurin, Olbia, Ecartelot.

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The MOOC HG7 archived

Throughout the month of March, the Academies of Besançon, Bordeaux, Reims, Lyon, Orleans-Tours and Poitiers animated an open mooc produced by the Ian of history-geography.Completed by virtual and friendly aperitifs, this MOOC was a good success among history-geography teachers.Interventions are all archived on the Besançon site.Thus the tools to help memorization, steps to debate and exchange, students training, etc..

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The Vigie de la Laïcité association continues the fight of the observatory

""""Nowadays, secularism is often manipulated, as if it were - and could in itself - solve all the problems of society.It is then a resource used to wage ideological and political battles, it divides ... instead of bringing together.We have gathered within the association La Vigie de la Laïcité because it seems important to us to recall the democratic content of this republican project, to exercise active monitoring and to give reliable information."""". """"Vigie de la laïcité"""" se présente donc dans la continuité de l'action de l'Observatoire de la laïcité. Dans les fondateurs, on retrouve Jean-Louis Bianco et Nicolas Cadène mais aussi Jean Baubérot, Jean-Marc Schiappa, Michel Wieviorka par exemple, toutes bêtes noires du """"printemps républicain"""". L'association annonce un décryptage hebdomadaire de l'actualité, des points juridiques, des """"bonnes pratiques"""" et un éclairage sur l'étranger.It is to an ideological reconquest and the opinion that the Vigie of secularism calls.

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Teaching the Shoah: Summer Internship of the Memorial

The Shoah Memorial invites college and high school teachers, all subjects combined, at its summer university: teaching the history of the Shoah.From July 4 to 9, 2021, around numerous conferences, round tables, discussions, meetings and workshops will be addressed the questions related to the teaching of the Shoah, in history, in literature and in philosophy.Teachers will share their experiences.Commented visits to the Museum of Art and History of Judaism and the site of Drancyviend enrich this program.It is essential to fill out a registration form to participate in this summer university.

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Facies controls: Epinay high school students win on appeal

Discovered in 2018 of their complaint, Mamadou, Ilyas and Zakaria obtained from the Paris Court of Appeal the condemnation of the State for gross negligence with compensation for moral damage suffered.On March 1, 2017, on the return from a school trip, they had been controlled by the police and excavated in front of their comrades.Supported by their teacher, Elise Boscherel, they file a complaint for racial discrimination.They obtain the support of the Defender of Rights and the President of the Departmental Council Stéphane Troussel.They have finally seen their rights recognized.

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Aline Boucher: a webradio for the history class

How to put the students of COVID years to work, little used to school concentration?Aline Boucher, professor at the Molière de l'Aigle (Orne) college takes the way to the webradio for a history course on occupied France.

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History-geo: revise the patent by playing

How to revise the patent while having fun?Teachers invented solutions. Lydia Combeaud-Lunel propose une adaptation du jeu """"Qui est-ce"""" pour les personnages historiques du programme.It provides the bosses to make the game.Emilie Arbey offers two digital games.An electronic goose game to revise the history program.And a wheel of fortune to review the concepts of the geography program.

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History: a serious game on slavery

Gérald Sim, professor at the Pierre Mendes France college in La Rochelle offers an educational scenario around a serious game on the issue of slavery abolitions. """"Le jeu a été testé sur deux classes de 4ème au cours de l’année 2019-2020.The students appreciated the game and quickly submerged in the proposed mission, even causing a certain emulation.Several pairs have succeeded in solving all the puzzles in the allotted time.Others have encountered difficulties """".

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Inscape Games for history-geography

""""An Inscape Game follows the same steps as an escape game but here, the objective is not to escape but rather to study a subject through a playful course.""""Vaohita Moreau, teacher at the Romain Roland college in Mouy (60) offers 8 educational procedures in the form of an inscape game from the 6th to the 4th.

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The weekly languages

Line Berthaud: Teaching English with

""""It's my discovery of the year.It's easy to integrate into my course practices """".English professor at the Lycée Laurens de Saint Vallier (26), Line Berthaud wants to make Mon-Oral online application makes it possible to train easily both in examination and for a sequence of courses.

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Languages: Animating a virtual class with wooclap

Survey, multiple choice questions, find on the image, open question, holes: we can include this in a powerpoint or google slides with Wooclap. """"Wooclap est une application en ligne permettant de créer de l’interactivité dans un cours, très utile notamment en classe virtuelle. Cette application ne nécessite pas d’inscription de la part des élèves"""", annonce le site académique de Nantes.

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German: find partners in Germany

OFAJ is organizing a seminar for CFAs and vocational training establishments looking for a German partner.OFAJ subsidies are possible.

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The best German ambassadors

ADEAF makes known the 3 winners of the competition for the best ambassador in German.The competition contributes to publicizing the teaching of German.Discover the 3 videos.

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Knowing how to swim: a social marker

""""À 13 ou 14 ans, 94 % des collégiens savent nager, mais la maîtrise de la natation demeure très inégale selon les milieux sociaux"""", écrit l'Injep qui publie une nouvelle synthèse. """"Ainsi, seulement 61 % des enfants d’ouvriers non qualifiés sont de bons nageurs contre 86 % des enfants de cadres et les premiers sont aussi six fois plus nombreux que les seconds à ne pas savoir nager.Social inequalities are all the more pronounced since controlling swimming is very linked to the duration of their summer vacation which itself varies strongly depending on social origin.In addition, other factors also specifically influence the control of swimming: in particular, it is lower among descendants of immigrants and is, on the other hand, all the more developed as parents are sports """".

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