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Pension funds mobilized towards "Ageing Well"

What is “Aging Well”?

This expression covers different determinants of the loss of autonomy: the adoption of behaviors conducive to health (diet, physical activity), the securing of life at home (adaptation of housing), the preservation of cognitive abilities (simulation of memory, new learning such as digital) or even maintaining social ties.

The development of psychosocial skills

For some time now, prevention actions have been increasingly focused on the ability of retirees to mobilize a set of resources (knowledge, know-how, interpersonal skills, stress management) in the face of moments of rupture linked to the advancement age: retirement, bereavement, widowhood or moving due to housing that has become unsuitable. The ASEPT facilitators transmit theoretical content to retirees to better equip them to approach these complex phases.

Aging Well Program Identity Card

Key figures in 2019*

*year 2020 not representative due to the health context



Essentially identified as those who calculate, liquidate and pay retirement pensions, pension funds have a skill little known to the general public: that of "implementing the health and social action programs defined by the national funds". (article L. 215-1 of the social security code).

Convinced of the relevance of a preventive approach to promote "aging well", the pension funds of the former Aquitaine region (General Regime with CARSAT and Agricultural Regime with MSA) have been developing, structuring and coordinating, for more than ten years, their primary prevention actions in favor of retirees. This pooling of everyone's know-how and resources allows the institutions to make their prevention actions:


Concretizing this cooperation between pension funds, the CAP Seniors Aquitaine association aims, through the implementation of these actions, to promote aging well and spread a culture of prevention in Aquitaine.

CAP Seniors Aquitaine is positioned as project management assistance: the association deploys the Aging Well Program on behalf of pension funds in the area, by delegating project management to ASEPT.

“Advancing healthy life expectancy is a major challenge for social protection actors”

Gilles RIAUD, Director of CAP Seniors Aquitaine


Non-profit associations, the ASEPT (Health, Education and Prevention Associations in the Territories) ensure the operation and all the logistics of the Aging Well Program, develop local partnerships for the implementation of actions, research and supervise a network professionals for the animation of the workshops.

In Aquitaine, three ASEPT share the territory:

The ASEPTs inform, raise awareness and help seniors to adopt healthy behaviors on a daily basis in favor of active and successful ageing. Conferences and workshops, suitable for anyone over 55, are held in all five departments of Aquitaine. These activities are offered free of charge in a spirit of exchange and a friendly atmosphere.


To develop health prevention actions on their territory, the ASEPTs work hand in hand with local structures known as "operators", including: the CLICs (local information and coordination centres), the CCAS (municipal social action), CIAS, home help associations, sports associations...

Concretely :


Many institutional partners concerned with developing initiatives to improve the health of seniors support the program devised and financed by CARSAT and the MSAs, including:

The Aging Well Program is also supported by the Regional Health Agency (ARS), the Conferences of Funders of Gironde, Landes, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Dordogne and Lot-et-Garonne.


Les caisses de retraite mobilisées vers le


Designed in an educational way and intended for small groups of around 12 people, the workshops are led by qualified professionals (physical activity, health of seniors, etc.) and trained by ASEPT. For each of these workshops, the interactive method proposed by ASEPT combines scientific content, practical advice and user-friendliness.

The workshops always take place in local structures, in order to fight against isolation and reduce travel time for seniors. Thanks to these meetings, seniors can forge links and develop new social relationships.

These workshops are intended to improve physical comfort and breathing, to learn how to better manage stress and to move with ease. Participants rediscover the pleasure of feeling their body, generate well-being and become actors of their physical and psychological well-being.

Cycle of 7 workshops, 1h30 per week.

Adapting one's diet to one's age, learning to reconcile a balanced diet and moderate cost, preserving the pleasure of cooking and eating well, matching dietary needs and physical activity... are some of the objectives of the "Health Nutrition" workshops.

A cycle of 10 workshops, 2 hours per week.

"Form'quilibre" is a series of workshops with advice and techniques to keep your balance in all circumstances! Participants learn the key postures to improve their physical condition and strengthen their muscles. They rediscover the pleasure of walking, gain confidence and benefit from appropriate advice on how to get up in the event of a fall.

A cycle of 12 workshops, 1h30 per week.

Throughout this series of workshops, advice and techniques are provided to preserve brain capacity and cope with small memory lapses in everyday life. Participants work on their memory through regular training: fun and friendly exercises that stimulate their concentration.

A cycle of 10 workshops, 2 hours per week.

Playful and interactive, the “Vitality” workshops are based on the sharing of experiences, scenarios and the search for simple and concrete solutions. Each session has its own theme - food, sleep, well-being, etc. - to maintain their health capital and maintain their quality of life in autonomy.

Cycle of 6 to 7 workshops, 2h30 per week.

Two additional workshops are offered to participants:

- The “Memo Shape” sessions which allow you to understand how memory works using exercises of physical activity adapted to solicit your brain. Participants develop memorization strategies, strengthen their auditory memory and optimize their ability to concentrate

- The “Balance & you” sessions which aim to ensure that everyone becomes an actor in their well-being: by preserving their 5 senses, by preventing domestic accidents, by managing their sleep, by ensuring the proper use of medication, etc. In summary: by gaining confidence!

Cycles of 20 sessions, 1h30 per week, in small groups of 5 to 8 people maximum.

The “Bien chez soi” workshops allow you to better develop your home and acquire good practices for living there as comfortably as possible. Room by room, advice is provided to prevent risks related to domestic layout. Objective: to make your home practical, comfortable, healthy and sustainable – by being accompanied by the right contacts, by mobilizing existing funding.

A cycle of 4 workshops, 2h30 per week.

The "Welcome to retirement" workshops support new retirees (from 6 months to 2 years) in their transition from professional activity to an active and fulfilling retirement based on different themes: life projects, social ties, prevention health…

Apprehending this new stage positively, transforming your projects into reality, living your retirement well and preserving your health capital are the 3 pillars of this series of workshops.

A cycle of 3 workshops of 3 hours.

The objective of the digital workshops is to allow participants to understand the basics of the digital tool, to overcome the risks of the Internet and to stay connected with their loved ones. Throughout these workshops, participants become familiar with new technologies: the tablet and navigation to stay informed.

A cycle of 6 workshops of 2 hours per week in small groups of 8 people maximum.

Set up in 2019, the “Laughter Yoga” workshops aim to develop a positive attitude and release tension. Laughter is a motor tool with many benefits for improving health: it is both a painkiller, a means of de-stressing and reducing blood pressure, it strengthens the immune system, increases self-confidence, gives energy… and makes you happy!

A cycle of 8 workshops, 1h15 per week.


Led respectively by prevention professionals in gerontology and health professionals, awareness-raising meetings and conference-debates address various prevention topics (diet, physical activity, social ties, domestic accidents, health and conduct, etc.) and pursue the same objective: to respond to the concerns of seniors by going against generally accepted ideas.

“What are the steps to take to live a long healthy life? Where and at what age to start? are some of the questions discussed. The facilitators provide simple advice and open discussions on various subjects: hearing, vision, physical activity, medication or even sleep.


The Bien-Vieillir program includes a very important artistic component, established in partnership with the improvisational theater company Enunseulmot.

The troupe created the interactive show “If we said everything? as part of the Aging Well Program. With humor and sensitivity, he draws on the testimonies of the spectators, highlights the universality of the anecdotes and stories transposed on stage: the public then becomes the starting point for the stories he is witnessing.

“If we told each other everything? questions the way in which the singular resonates with the universal, to show how each specific situation includes a share of shared humanity.

After the great success of 2019, fifteen dates are scheduled for the year 2021-2022 throughout the Aquitaine region!

New 2021-2022

CAP Seniors Aquitaine continues to develop the Aging Well Program and enrich its offer. Objective: to always stay as close as possible to the expectations of seniors. This is why many innovations are at work this year in Aquitaine!

Workshops tested elsewhere in France and deployed in Aquitaine this year

Well-Being workshops are aimed at people who want to learn how to better manage their emotions. Throughout this session, participants benefit from advice to identify the causes and mechanisms of stress, develop their personal resources to create a social environment that promotes the development of psycho-social skills.

Cycle of 4 collective workshops of 2h45 per week and an individual session by telephone

The Nutri Activ' workshops provide a better understanding of the benefits of combining good eating habits with regular physical activity. Participants become, over the course of this course, informed consumers, able to identify nutritional markers, decipher labels, stay tuned to their body and taste buds, and use new technologies to serve of their health.

Cycle of 6 workshops of 2 hours per week

Two experiments carried out this year in Aquitaine

The ASEPT observe on a daily basis a “digital divide” based on age. People over 60 are the most affected by inequalities in access to new technologies, whether in terms of access to equipment or mastery of tools. This “e-exclusion” is all the more worrying as we observe the development of online services and a scarcity of service “at the counter”, in both rural and urban areas. It is precisely this observation that motivated the creation of individual digital support workshops at home. The ASEPT have imagined a tailor-made training so that the facilitators can offer personalized coaching in the homes of seniors.

This cycle of workshops was set up at the request of the participants of the digital @teliers who wanted to deepen their web knowledge. Stay connected with loved ones, manage your rights online (health insurance, pension insurance, administrative documents, etc.), consult a health professional remotely, etc. : practical advice is provided throughout the sessions to navigate safely, with your own wings!

Cycle of 6 sessions of 2 hours per week in small groups of 8 people

The organization of remote workshops, in addition to face-to-face workshops

The year 2020 represented a turning point for the ASEPTs, which offered, for the first time, the holding of workshops in distance format, due to the health context. Much of the programming has gone online: memory workshops, nutrition workshops, form'balance workshops, health conferences and debates ("Being a grandparent today", "And if we got vaccinated?", "Mysteries and secrets some sleep " …).

Of course, the face-to-face workshops resumed as soon as it was possible to meet again, thanks to the implementation of the strictest health protocols (disinfection equipment, equipped spaces, reduced number of participants, etc.). .). However, this experimentation with online workshops has also enabled many seniors to participate in workshops they would not necessarily have attended. This is why CAP Seniors Aquitaine and the three ASEPTs have decided to continue these workshops remotely, in addition to the face-to-face workshops.

Cape Senior Aquitaine

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