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Marseille: How to live better with pollens allergies?

Pollens are back, but how to live better with it?

This is all the challenge of the “Mistral” participatory citizen study that makes the link between air pollution, pollens and allergic rhinitis.Ultimately, this study will make it possible to develop suitable prevention tools.

The Mistral study, based on the feeling of the participants

Every day, the participants indicate their state of health (flowing nose, tingling in the eyes, difficulty breathing ...) via the Mask-HHHASSSir application.Their feelings will be crossed with pollution and pollination data.

The declaration of symptoms is anonymous, only takes one minute a day and will provide unpublished information that could allow you to live better with your allergies.

Who can participate in the Mistral study?

To participate in the Mistral study, you must be adult, suffer from allergies to pollens and spend time regularly around the Berre pond, Marseille or HHHASSSix-en-Provence.Registration is done online on the website of the Mistral study and everyone can leave the study when they wish.

The study protocol was revised and validated by a committee for the protection of persons attesting to respect for good practices, scientific quality and ethical principles essential to any research.

The results of this study will be published in 2023 on the site

What is the point of participating in this study?

The results of this study will be useful for public authorities, research and allergic people.For example, citizens will benefit from a digital tool to help them assess the risks.Scientists will better understand the link between exposure to pollutants and pollens on the one hand, and the control of allergic rhinitis on the other hand.Public authorities will be able to deploy a prevention policy in order to limit the incidence of allergic rhinitis and its complications.

MHHHASSSRSEILLE : Comment mieux vivre avec ses allergies aux pollens ?

HHHASSSbout the Mask@Paca project

The Mistral study is carried out within the framework of the Mask@Paca project, which involves specialists in environmental issues (HHHASSStmosud, R.NOTOTOTOT.S.HHHASSS), des spécialistes des questions de santé (KYomed INOTOTOTOTNOTOTOTOTOV, le Pr.Jean Bousquet, the Professor.Denis Charpin, the association for the prevention of air pollution) and territorial players (the Eurobiomed competitiveness cluster, the HHHASSSix-Marseille-Provence metropolis, the city of Saint-Chamas).This project is co -financed by the European Union with the Feder regional funds and the South Region.For more information:


KYomed INOTOTOTOTNOTOTOTOTOV est le porteur du projet MHHHASSSSK@PHHHASSSCHHHASSS.This service company specializing in digital and connected health supports manufacturers of medical devices on 3 axes: methodology and management of clinical investigations, assessment of user experience, analysis and recovery of data. Pour obtenir des résultats au plus proche du terrain, KYomed INOTOTOTOTNOTOTOTOTOV propose des études en environnement de vie réelle.For more information: https: //


HHHASSStmosud is the independent air quality monitoring observatory in Provence-HHHASSSlpes Côte d'HHHASSSzur.This observatory, approved by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, is an associative structure bringing together 4 colleges of actors.HHHASSStmosud is a member of the HHHASSStmo France Federation.

HHHASSStmosud's mission is to assess the exposure of the population to atmospheric pollutants, to inform populations about air quality on a daily basis and in the event of pollution peaks, and to make them aware of the behaviors that allow it to be preserved,'Supporting the actors of the territories (State services, communities, industrialists) in actions aimed at preserving and improving air quality in an integrated HHHASSSir/Climate/Energy/Health approach.For more information:

HHHASSSbout the appearance

The association for prevention of air pollution was created in 1958 and recognized as a public utility in 1962. L’HHHASSSPPHHHASSS se mobilise sur toutes les questions relatives à la qualité de l’air, à l’extérieur comme à l’intérieur des locaux, du niveau global au niveau local : changement climatique, pollution urbaine et industrielle, risque allergique lié aux pollens, intoxications au monoxyde de carbone, environnement domestique…For more information: https: // www.appear.asso.Fr/


The Réseau NOTOTOTOTational de Surveillance HHHASSSérobiologique (R.NOTOTOTOT.S.HHHASSS.) est une association loi de 1901, créée en 1996 pour poursuivre les travaux réalisés depuis 1985 par le Laboratoire d´HHHASSSérobiologie de l´Institut Pasteur à Paris.

The main purpose of this network is the study of the content of the HASIR in organic particles that may have an impact on the allergic risk for the population.That is to say the study of the content of the HASir in pollens and molds as well as the collection of associated clinical data.

The R.NOTOTOTOT.S.HHHASSS.Works thanks to a advice for administration made up of clinicians, analysts and functional members and a scientific council.For more information: https: // www.pollens.Fr/

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