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Inès, high school and militant: "I like to defend others"

Parmaria Poblete, published on January 22, 201810 min

Inès militates within a high school union: the FIDL (Independent and Democratic Lycian Federation).Her commitment to an education without selection and high school democracy makes her happy.A fight waged with joy and passion.

I was 13 years old, when I demonstrated for the first time.It was during the big national march after the terrorist attacks against "Charlie Hebdo" and the Hyper Cacher, in Paris.I went with my parents, friends, and we all walked together.I felt very concerned with what was going on, the attack on freedom of expression and democracy.That day will remain engraved in my memory.I discovered that demonstrations can be moments of meetings: we talk to everyone. Certes, on se crée des amis momentanément, mais ce sont des rencontres fortes et vraies.We are silent, we are close, we are gathered for the same fight.I loved.

I also understood that if an individual is alone, sad and that he is fed up with injustices, nothing is lost.He can join other people like him, and be part of a group. Même avec nos différences, nous trouvons toujours un terrain d’entente.I understood that we had the means to change things, but not alone.

"I joined the union and I was elected to the Council of College Life"

When I was in college, I had seen the film "Thank you boss", then I inquired about the Labor Law.I participated in the events.The first time, I went there alone.And as I did not know many people, I paraded in the procession of young people, under the banner of the Fidl, the high school union.Then I went to headquarters.I discussed with them, I inquired about the history of the movement and I joined it!

L’année suivante, j’ai été élue au conseil de la vie collégienne, une instance qui donne la parole aux élèves pour améliorer leur vie.I set up a wall of expression.There were large white posters with titles: homosexuality, racism, sexism.I bought 1.500 post-it that I made available to students and, during the lunch break and the recreation, they wrote the first word that came to mind.A hundred college students have expressed themselves.It was awesome.I gave a lot of energy, time, I missed lessons to take care of it.And I was happy with the result.

"In high school, I accepted the post of secretary general of the union"

This year, in the second, I was offered to join the national office.I am secretary general. Concrètement, cela veut dire que je coordonne tout au niveau national : j’appelle régulièrement les responsables des comités des villes, dans toutes les régions.I help them set up the distribution of leaflets, the dissemination of information, the organization of general meetings, participation in gatherings.

Inès, lycéenne et militante :


Mana, lycéenne et déléguée de classe : "J’aime défendre mes camarades"

I do not intervene directly with committees because each of them organizes their meetings independently. Je me renseigne sur ce qui se passe : j’appelle, j’écoute, j’ai un rôle de communication interne dans l’organisation. Je dois donner une vision globale de la mobilisation des militants, de ce que les lycéens veulent changer.With the president of the Fidl, we are completing: he works with the other organizations.He is more in external relations.

"I have never been afraid to speak in public ... and to claim"

I quickly agreed to take responsibility.I have never been afraid to speak in public, to say what I think, to claim. Mais je ne suis pas une adolescente rebelle ! Je travaille sérieusement, je fais mes devoirs et mon violon, que je pratique depuis l’âge de 8 ans.

I don't really think of doing politics.I do not campaign in a party.Sure, I find out about the reforms but we can all come from different political backgrounds.What matters to me is to give voice to high school students.

En ce moment, la sélection à l’entrée de l’université, c’est un sujet qui me touche.I am against this selection!We all have the right to study in college as we wish. Le droit à l’éducation est un droit fondamental ! S’en remettre aux avis du conseil de classe pour poursuivre dans telle ou telle voie, c’est scandaleux.In February or March of the year of final year, some still do not know the way they will choose.In six months, we know that a student can evolve enormously.

"I would say that militant contributes to academic success"

I cannot say the time that I spend every week to this task: it depends on the mobilizations.This is variable: several hours, especially the weekend when we have general meetings or assemblies.I like meetings very much, I meet people that I would not necessarily have approached. Ces échanges sont très constructifs.And we have fun, there is a super-abuse!If I was opportunistic, I would say that militating contributes to academic success.I'm interested in everything and I feel concerned by social problems.I make links between learning and our life, our place of citizens, historical events, the economic situation.

Une autre expérience est l’exercice de la synthèse ! Organiser des réunions, élaborer des ordres du jour, entendre les autres, noter, puis rédiger des comptes rendus… Tout cela m’aide à structurer mes idées.Find out about reforms and projects pushes me to think.I always try to go further, questions bring others, and so on.I think I'm starting to have a global vision.I perceive things differently and I try to see how our proposals can change the lives of people.I like to defend others!In addition, speaking in public and being clear and synthetic represent, of course, assets for the oral.The more we talk, the more we progress.I suggest it to everybody.

"My parents and the teachers never hampered me"

Sometimes students think that engaging in a movement will put them in difficulty with their parents or their high school.It's the opposite.If we are a little organized, there is no reason to be afraid to campaign.My parents have always encouraged me or at least slowed down.They accept that I am away from the house for my meetings, that I sometimes go to bed a little late.Everything is to the extent.They see that I can carry out all my activities head -on. Du côté des enseignants, certains sont vraiment derrière moi ! La direction également.When I have to distribute leaflets, ask for a room for an GA and announce it at the start of the lesson, there has never been any refusal.

I am sometimes asked why I am not a class delegate.I have a very stopped idea on this question.I think the delegates are essential to the life of an establishment ... but I regret that their role is so limited.We do not always hear them in class council when they ask for arrangements, that they criticize certain methods.I want to go further! "

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