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Faced with the aging of the Lotois, home help at home wants to keep time in advance

Solidarity, Cahors, Lotpublié le, updated

The main thing with 400 positions to be filled in the coming decade, the home help sectors face a shortage of labor.To enhance these trades, Lot Home Help Acandidaté to a Grand Age Trades Platform Project.A file presented to the Departmental Council, gathered in the meeting this Monday at the Regourd hotel, in Cahors.

The home trades sector is the 1st Lot employer.During the session of the departmental council, this Monday morning, Serge Rigal recalled that he employed 1,700 employees and that he would generate nearly 400 additional jobs in the coming years.Currently, there are 50 positions to provide for home help at home help.

Good news at first glance, except that if the job supply is real, demand is rare.An inadequacy that gives the employers of home help services."This is a major concern on which we must reflect collectively," said the president, listening to the annual home help report *, presented by Maryse Maury, vice-president in charge of the elderly and disabled people.A concern all the more disturbing for elected officials as many families are unable to finance the EHPAD for their loved one.

A departmental platform for the great age trades

For this, LAD has just submitted a file to the National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy, in order to create and pilot a departmental platform for the great age and disability trades."Because this tension on trades may ultimately contradict the care of users", as the departmental elected official recalled."There are home interventions but also reception in establishments, such as nursing homes or autonomy residences, as well as structures devoted to disabled people".

With this platform of autonomy professions several actions would be undertaken with the objective of increasing the visibility of the various actors, to better coordinate their actions and to improve the readability of their offer.Targeting a final goal: to attract new recruits and to arouse vocations.

Prevention of undernutrition in the elderly at home

Face au vieillissement des Lotois, Lot aide à domicile veut garder un temps d'avance

If home help is awaiting validation of this project, there is another that will start soon.It is an experimental project for the prevention of undernutrition in the elderly at home.Funded by the Lot Funders Conference, it is carried by LAD in partnership with the department's services, the start-up of C-Diet dietitians, in connection with the hospital services, the multidisciplinary teams of the department and the attending physician.Two groups of 20 people will be affected by this system, which provides for a beneficiary's monitoring course based on a shared computer system.

Concerning the reform of the great age which could come into force in 2021, Maryse Maury and Serge Rigal underlined the advance of the home assistance lot which already frames with 60% of the objectives of this national plan.Advances that have been praised by Brigitte Bourguignon, minister delegate in charge of autonomy.They take all their meaning when 5000 people are beneficiaries of APA or PCH and that in 2025 the elderly will represent 21% of Lotois.

Lot Home Help supports the convalescence of Payrac's Mapa Mapa

Considering the difficulties of the Payrac MAPA (reception center for the elderly) and in consultation with the association which directs it, lot help at home has embarked on the management of this residence autonomy of Payrac."The difficulties were considerable, noted the president.The deficit is not filled, the number of residents has increased slightly.We have not yet left the hostel, but it is an essential structure to meet the needs of the inhabitants of this territory.We do everything we need to put it back on the right track ".Violaine Delpech-Fraysse, departmental councilor thanked the community for this commitment to the canton of Souillac.

* The department is a shareholder of the local public company Lot Home Help.He provided funded support during the COVVID crisis up to € 275,000, which allowed the payment of a "covid bonus" of up to € 1,000 for employees of the company who have performed first functionsline.

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