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Entrepreneurs at the bedside of the territories

The weekly economic chronicle of Bernard Chaussegros

France is a rule of law.It is also a state that has gradually centralized.Unlike popular belief, centralization and Parisianism widely criticized in public opinion are not direct inheritances of the Revolution and the Empire.Indeed, in his project to standardize the country and the law, Napoleon was based on the decision of March 4, 1790 of the Constituent Assembly which created the departments.At the peak of the Empire, there will be up to 130 departments.

These projects also dated from the end of the reign of Louis XIV, with the objective of simplifying administrative geography and creating a more realistic structuring of the kingdom.An edict of 1787 created the provincial assemblies with the recommendation that they are divided into districts.In 1788, the mathematician "Girondin" Condorcet, for his part, proposed to define the size of the districts and the provinces according to the travel time so that a citizen traveling on horseback could go there, a little day awayFor the district, a big day for the province.

The creation of the departments testified to a desire to replace the names of the provinces inherited from the old regime and the power of local aristocracies, in order to set up a new political and ideological project on the level of the nation, whosecentral objective was the political control of the territory by the central power.

Ce système, bien que centralisé, a bien fonctionné pendant près de 150 ans. La création de la Vème République a amplifié cette tendance centralisatrice, notamment avec la création de l’Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA) et du maillage administratif du territoire strictement organisé par le pouvoir politique en s’appuyant sur les hauts fonctionnaires issus de cette école. Conscients de la prépondérance excessive du pouvoir central, les gouvernements successifs ont tenté de moduler le jacobinisme excessif de l’administration française. Le 1er exemple en ce sens est la création par le général de Gaulle en 1963 de la DATAR, destinée à soutenir l’aménagement du territoire. Le 2ème exemple est un échec, celui du référendum de 1969 à l suite duquel chef de l’État prendra la décision de quitter le pouvoir.

A first law concerning the rights and freedoms of municipalities, departments and regions was promulgated on March 2, 1982. Subsequently, France will know three strong decentralization acts.It should be noted, however that the various texts promulgated between 1992 and today, have essentially allowed new distribution of skills hitherto devolved to the State without however real deconcentration.The French administration has, on the contrary, complexified and the organization initially relatively simple has been transformed into a mille-feuille of standards and institutions which in no way contributes to facilitating the lives of citizens and businesses.

The territory appears more and more fractionated and the procedures complicated at will.It also appears, according to public opinion, that the confidence of citizens in the state has been partly lost.The evolution is perceptible in a society which no longer seems to be made up of a nation bringing together convergent interests, but of an agglomeration of citizens with divergent interests which primarily highlight the completely dissociated individual rights of the duties due to the group.

This search for selfish satisfaction of individual interests is the most clarifying manifestation that the rule of law is in dereliction.The numerous demonstrations of "yellow vests" (around 35), between October 2018 and the first confinement decided within the framework of the pandemic linked to the COVVI-19, have clearly shown the rejection by the public of decisions taken by the government, and even laws voted by national representation.

Since then, France, like all countries of the world, has lived to the rhythm of the evolution of the virus and its variants.The confidence shown in March-April 2020 with regard to caregivers has given way to an increasingly exacerbated distrust which now includes elected officials, scientists and laboratories responsible for developing vaccines.And the current manifestations of "anti -vax" seem to prepare for the return of attitudes close to those of "yellow vests" in their refusal of state authority.

Alors que les enfants du Baby-boom des années d’après la seconde guerre mondiale ont vécu une vie relativement épargnée par les grandes pandémies du fait de l’ensemble des vaccinations « imposées » à l’époque aux familles, une partie des jeunes générations (relativement faible certes mais qui comptent malgré tout dans ses rangs quelques millions de sujets) rejettent l’obligation vaccinale en ce début du XXIème siècle sous prétexte d’atteinte à leur liberté fondamentale. En réalité, ils sont manipulés, car l’époque veut ça, par théories aussi fantaisistes que complotistes.

The challenges that develop all over the world, between hope, fear and anger, anti-Cavid injections fracture opinion.They are multiple causes.One of them finds its source in the commercial trade in dangerous alternative treatments, which we know has already allowed significant fundraisers for the benefit of dubious causes.

Les entrepreneurs au chevet des territoires

The other, it must be regretted, is the soil on which any project would take root, in this case the loss of confidence in what is agreed to call "the elites", whether intellectual, scientific,or above all political.

Without entering into a different and complex debate, we cannot not cite that the deleterious evolution of our country has enabled the birth and development of lawless areas, especially on the outskirts of large metropolises.The lawless area is defined as a "space, a district within which more or less organized groups are opposed by criminal acts to the application of the law, in particular to develop a parallel economy based on traffic".

D’autres groupes s’organisent autour de valeurs communes, religieuses ou culturelles, preuve en est que l’idée de « Nation » est ici perdue, puisque sont niées les valeurs fondamentales de la Constitution du 4 octobre 1958 Il suffit, pour s’en persuader d’en relire l’article 1er :

“France is an indivisible, secular, democratic and social republic.It ensures equality before the law of all citizens without distinction of origin, race or religion.She respects all beliefs.Its organization is decentralized.

The law promotes the equal access of women and men to electoral mandates and elective functions, as well as professional and social responsibilities. "

However, it would be good for the entire text to be regularly reminded of everyone and really taught in schools from an early age.We would notice that the state of the country is in contradiction with its fundamental values.The causes are multiple and particularly complex.Obviously, they will imply that responses on several levels, whether political, social, even humanist, but also entrepreneurial, be provided.


Our article will therefore be content to discuss this already complex aspect of the problem.This is an observation, large metropolises concentrate economic activity and populations.For example, the Greater Paris Metropolis already has more than 10 million inhabitants, which already makes the country's most populous intercommunality.This public inter-municipal cooperation establishment (EPCI) which extends over six departments, Paris, Essonne, Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de-Marne and Val-d'Oise, represents more than 15 % of the French population.

The urban population in France is 80.44 %.

Apart from the Ile de France, 16 million people live in agglomerations of more than 200,000 inhabitants, or 25 %, and approximately 12 million in agglomerations whose population is between 50,000 and 200,000 inhabitants, or 13 %.

Beyond the litany of figures, it is clear that the population, and in this lot, the workers, gather around the entries of activity, relatively few, a hundred, outside the Grand Paris.The unequal distribution of the population in the East territory, this goes without saying by the presence of companies likely to provide jobs.But this state of affairs is a source of many difficulties.

For companies, problematic linked to premises, in terms of surface, rental charges, storage and transport costs.For employees, working conditions inducing transport times, fatigue, housing difficulties, etc.

A more harmonious distribution on the territory would provide at least partially solutions to each other's difficulties.

The role of companies

Intelligent taking into account unemployment

According to INSEE figures, at the end of the second quarter of 2021, the number of unemployed, according to the accounting criteria used by the State, amounted to around 2.4 million people in France, which, inDespite the satisfaction that certain elected officials proclaim, ultimately represents only a low drop in the quarter of 16,000 people.We know that the average overall rate will remain close in the coming years of the usual 8 %.

Indeed, this national unemployment rate of 8.00 % of the active population, is a figure unfortunately stabilized for years despite the random variations of recent years upset by the successive confinements linked to the Pandemic of COVID-19.What is more, the situation is unbalanced according to age groups.The unemployment rate of young people exceeds 20.00 % among those under 25, while it is around 5.00 % among those over 50.

Another observation that we had been able to make in a past article, the variation in the rate also derives at the level of study of the persons concerned, 14 % for the assets of the level "patent of colleges", against 5 % for those who have a qualifying diplomaof "higher education" level.

The unemployment rate in a region, a city or a neighborhood is often the result of several factors, the lack of training, the deficiency of information, the inexistence of the relays between suppliers and job seekers.

And we must add this observation, the inadequacy between the jobs offered and the audiences concerned.This reflection is one of the tracks of this article: the young generations, with or without the level of study, live, project themselves, hope and dream in digital mode, particularly in a world of images, music and games,All these points being most often nested in unique objects of consumption and web exchange.

The rehabilitation of the suburbs

In the areas of lawlessness, other factors come into account, especially the refusal to integrate into the system and marginalization due to the entrance into the vicious circle of delinquency.It is indeed financially more profitable to get paid as a look at a drug trafficking network than looking for a job at the bottom of the scale paid in the minimum wage.

Obviously, this is a short -sighted decision because, in addition to the judicial risks incurred, such jobs have, neither social security coverage nor old age insurance.But these are not arguments likely to be heard by young people who call into question republican legitimacy.

Nevertheless, traffickers do not represent all the young inhabitants of these districts that the State fails to reinvest.Where elected officials have lost their legitimacy, companies can undoubtedly act, in any case, they must!Obviously, they cannot or must not take the place of the police to bring public order to these districts.

Companies can only offer jobs.But they cannot do it any way and on any subject.What is proposed must meet the interest and the membership of the interested parties.

A track: revitalize the economy by digital

We often hear about the "digital" word which, ultimately, is not the subject of any precise definition and is often used to designate "digital".We hear it everywhere when we are interested in the different and countless economic worlds that make the web their election land and their playground. That being, most people who use it and'Use as a communication axis, ignore what "digital communication" is really.

Etymologically, the word digital, as substantive or as adjective, descends from the English term "Digit" whose translation would be rather "digital" with the mathematical meaning of "figure".

The digital economy is used to mathematically process information.To do this, it uses tools such as smartphones, computers, smart televisions or tablets.The appearance on the markets of tactile phones dates from the first iPhone of Apple, thus becoming the trigger for a real digital revolution.

To remain in a more French etymological analysis, of Latin inspiration, we can add that the word digital comes from the Latin "digitalis" which refers to "the thickness of a finger".This means that in French, "digital" means "that belongs to the fingers".The crossing of these two interpretations, anyway, refers to digital and these objects that we manipulate and that we master with his fingers, even if he is more and more frequent than the human voicecome to strengthen user's capacity to be understood.

It should therefore be understood that "digital" is not only in a new science using mathematics.The "digital" is now also and essentially the word that designates new digital tools, interconnected databases and the countless networks that connect them, and in particular social networks, real micro-site, micro-community, but sometimes, also,micro-mafias or micro-sects.

These few lines show how large the subjects are, and that their development should be able to interest a whole fringe of the population in unemployment, because these are subjects that concern them, interest them and are able to motivate them to considerA real insertion in the world full of pitfalls of non -precarious work and employment.But, no doubt, the project, like the subject, is very large.

A strong strategy, politically supported, but driven by private wishes, must be defined and implemented!But to remain in simple explanations, you should know that a "digital strategy" must also allow the companies concerned to understand what the information flows are that exist, which they create, control or recover have costs orrepresent a value.In addition, the mere fact of controlling information flows requires ethical requirements, conservation, use, expurgation, elimination, etc.So have sometimes difficult impacts to control on networks and that it is therefore necessary to forget to measure the impacts.

Focus: Otherside, an example of "Tech" excellence in Martigues

Otherside puts the world of digital at the service of reintegration.These projects, registered in artistic perspectives are numerous and varied.

One objective: to arouse vocations through a playful environment

Thanks to his pushed mastery of the virtual reality and motion capture techniques mix, Otherside is positioned as an expert in virtual training.

"Being able to recreate simulations where users can evolve into" full body "over hundreds of m2 and be truly in action, this is what our virtual technology makes possible.Thus in the context of a recent project around the building trades, we were able to understand coordination between people but especially the management and prevention of risks linked to dangerous actions by accident -making situation impossible to create in real. "

“The South, dynamic and very active region has seen the interest of this type of device and has clearly managed to take the turn of digital, in terms of education, by granting us an important subsidy for simulation on industrial machine in partnershipWith the company LOXAM and the ECIR training center. Productivity, mastery of risks but also reintegration and resilience are in the spotlight with this type of training ”. (Interview with Frédéric Vanverberghe, manager and founder of Otherside). BernardChaussegros

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