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Dr Love: Ten tips for treating a heart sentence

Prenez le temps de pleurer (si vous en avez envie).Certainly you can drown in the outings and tell everyone, including yourself, that everything is fine but the return of stick is likely to be even more violent.Leaving a little room for its sadness is the first step to accept and overcome it!

Prenez un carton et mettez-y tout ce qui vous fait penser à lui ou à elle.No, we don't tell you to throw all his gifts and clothes in the trash but put them aside so as not to have them in all the permanent eyes is a question of common sense.When you get better, you can decide what you want to do with all of this with rested heads!

Arrêtez de suivre votre ex ou votre crush non réciproque sur les réseaux sociaux, vous serez moins tenté de le stalker.More generally, abandon social networks a little.It will prevent you from comparing yourself to the perfectly filtered idyllic lives of others and depressing even more ...

Stop rewrite history and feel guilty.“If I had done this” and others “I should have done this and it would have been used to torture your brain and sail your esteem of you even more.You have to make a reason, no one can go back - and that's probably so much the better!

Dr Love : Dix conseils pour pour soigner une peine de cœur

Dites-vous bien que cette rupture n'a pas changé qui vous êtes ! Non, l'échec de cette histoire ne signifie pas que vous ne valez rien, que vous êtes moche ou pas assez intéressant(e).

Most of the time, if someone does not want or more of you, it is simply because deep down, it is not the right person for you.

Make a list of wishes.So yes, at the beginning, you risk saying yourself "Oh but it is with him that I dreamed of visiting Naples!"But after a few big breaths, you will quickly realize that you don't need anyone to take a plane and taste pasta in the sea urchins in front of the Mediterranean.And if you really don't feel it, a friend or a friend will probably be delighted to accompany you!

Take care of yourself.Admittedly, changing haircut after a break is a shot, but it's not for nothing!Take advantage of your free time to do you good: hairdresser, therefore, but also massages, yoga, embroidery or shopping sessions.

You are spoiled for choice and no one to judge you!

The Lovinette of the week

Quel est le sujet principal de dispute au lit pour les Français ? 1 // Le sexe 2 // Le ménage 3 // Les ronflements Réponse : 3 44 % des Français se sont déjà querellés à cause des ronflements de leur partenaire.

Anabelle Gentez & Louise Monteil

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