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COVID-19 crisis: seven simple anti-depression tips to keep morale

How to overcome the difficulty of the situation we are going through?How to hold on to the length of the epidemic?Do not feel guilty, sleep well, play sports, look for sunlight, give yourself perspectives, having positive thoughts can be effective.

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Among the first advice given by Antoine Pelissolo to face this crisis that lasts: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Preserve his biological clock as much as possible, in particular his sleep, is essential to regulate his mood.These natural ancestral rhythms are linked to sunshine.Currently, we are in winter, and we lack sunlight.Now we need it to synchronize and restore positive emotions.

And if you can't fall asleep, or if you wake up at night, Aurélia Schneider advocates """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""getting up to read a book, but especially not to watch a TV series hoping to fall asleep with her seriesTV"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".

She offers: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""to stop watching screens an hour before going to bed.It is very disturbing for the brain and sleep.Imagining to watch a series to cut after a day of teleworking is a very bad idea.Disconnect! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

3- play sports, but rather in the morning

Antoine Pelissolo: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""The activity is part of the pillars of good general health.Walking in the morning quite early when there is starting to be a little light is one of the things that may seem futile, but that are not.

This is not enough to heal a depression, but it is proven, it improves everyone's morale and even that of people weakened by depression.

Aurelia Schneider: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Let's think of playing sports, but in the morning.In the evening, it's not a good idea.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

4 - Exhale in light

Antoine Pelissolo : """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Il y a un effet direct des rayons lumineux des photons sur la rétine et donc sur le cerveau.This goes through serotonin, melatonin and systems probably quite complex, but very credible scientific level.Like food, light is part of basic physiological foods that help psychologically.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

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— Missi Thompson Fri Oct 05 17:53:05 +0000 2018

5 - Give yourself perspectives and keep hope

Baptiste Beaulieu constate dans son cabinet médical une véritable perte de sens chez les patients dépressifs : """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Or on a tous besoin de direction dans la vie pour savoir ce qu'on a envie de faire demain, ou après-demain.People can no longer, they no longer know where they are and they need a clear line.The most important in the current situation is to reinject meaning.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Aurelia Schneider ajoute : """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Il faut garder aussi l'espoir.These crises have always existed.For this, even if we receive contradictory information, we must maintain a course.In the family setting, we can preserve a normal human rhythm.And then talk!Speech must be in the spotlight in these moments.

Having a perspective is one of the things you have to have in a little corner of your head.Right now, it's difficult.We do our backs, we advance slowly, we change our habits.And we keep a lot of indulgence vis-à-vis oneself.After when things come back, we may wear our mask more often, but we will be very happy.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

6- Try to see the glass half full

Pour illustrer ses propos Gilles Vervisch raconte une histoire qu'il aime particulièrement : """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Jeune, Albert-Camus voulait être footballeur.Now we diagnosed him with tuberculosis.He realized that he could not do what he had decided to do.The future writer wanted to pass the aggregation of philosophy, sick, he could not either.

Today, the field of possibilities may seem quite reduced.

La question posée est : comment s'adapter à la situation ? Le philosophe Jean-Paul Sartre, ami de Camus, parlait de """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""coefficient d'adversité"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".For him, things can be an obstacle.But it depends on the projects that we have.

Sartre took the example of a rock: for those who want to climb it, a rock can represent the impossible, but for the one who wants to paint him, he will be pretty.We can also go to the side of the Stoics who push us to change our desires rather than the order of the world.

Read the Epictète interviews avoids watching the screens too much, and depressing by dint of seeing infectiologists who pass in loop on the information chains """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Helene Romano ajoute : """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""On peut voir le verre à moitié vide ou à moitié plein.We can choose to retain from this crisis what she teaches us about positive: a new form of solidarity, another way of organizing.Having positive thoughts on this period allows us to have more serene thoughts, to project us positively towards the future, and makes us actor in our life again.We will certainly savor better then to play sports, to have a normal or cultural family life.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

7 - Do not dramatize if you are prescribed anxiolytics

700 000 prescriptions de plus d'anxiolytiques l'été dernier par rapport à l'été précédent ! Antoine Pelissolo rappelle que pour éviter la dépression ou le sentiment trop fort d'angoisse, il est préférable de """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Jouer sur des méthodes plus naturelles, comme les rythmes de vie, la relaxation, la parole, l'échange ou tout autre forme de réconfort.Anxiolytics are not the panacea, they do not act on the bottom and have a lot of side effects.They are therefore to be taken with care.

Listen to |Great good you do on the depression linked to the COVVI-19 crisis

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