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Casa Barbara, a new brand in the world of residences with seniors services with the design of Serge and Jérémie Trigano

And four!

The Korian group aligns brands and concepts in the field of seniors for seniors.

Outre la marque Korian, le groupe avait mis la main sur Age & Vie, le concepteur des petites résidences seniors ( multiples de 8 résidents pour la plupart)) proposant la colocation à des personnes âgées et ce très souvent en milieu rural.With a property (alliance Korian -agricultural insurance insurance and the banks of the territories)), the ambitions are large with a target announced in 2019 of more than 300 roommate residences for seniors.

The offer was supplemented by the acquisition of most residences in the Les Essentials group in 2020, a group founded in 2011 by Valérie Bertone, who had passed in the hands of the GDP Vendôme group..

So here is a new brand, Casa Barbara, with this time a partnership with "Les Trigano", father and son.The creativity of these serial entrepreneurs will not fail to give a facelift to the market for senior so -called second generation services.and sponsors this very dynamic market which appeals to particular and institutional investors who flock to finance real estate from these structures.

Barely announced, soon an opening!

La première version de ce concept devrait ouvrir selon le dossier de presse au printemps 2022, avec une résidence de 110 appartements située Rue Jean-Jaurès, en plein cœur de Levallois-Perret (il s'agit en fait selon nos recoupements d'informations, d'une résidence qui se trouvait dans le « pipe du goupe les Essentielles»»»» lors de son rachat par Korian, résidence dont l'immobilier avait été vendu en bloc en 2019 à M&G Real Estate, ce qui explique la rapidité avec laquelle le concept Casa Barbara se concrétise.

It's better than a revolution, it's great news.

Le groupe Korian, engagé pour le bien-être des seniors, vient de signer un partenariat avec Serge & Jérémie Trigano (Club Med, Mama Shelter…)) pour une aventure passionnante : réinventer l’enchantement dans un univers que nos sociétés vivent douloureusement avec culpabilité.Together, they decided to share their know-how and seriously shake up the codes of the habitat of seniors by creating places of life of a new kind.

This adventure has a name: Casa Barbara.

Why Barbara?

Because Barbara is a figure in the Trigano family.Serge's stepmother was a generous and festive woman.It represents this connection to life and joy.F

Ort of this idea, its application was most exciting.For twelve months, on both sides, we had to observe this sensitive universe with a new eye.Put everything flat, locate sensitive points, deficiencies, time leakage.And come back strongly, reverse, to re -enchant the universe of senior residences for the babyboomers of tomorrow.

À la bonne humeur, Serge & Jérémie Trigano

S’il y a bien un endroit où Serge & Jérémie Trigano se sentent bien, ce sont les nouvelles aventures, l’expérience, la magie du fameux pas-de-coté pour mieux profiter des joies de leur métier.Their recent adventure with Mama Shelter was a triumph based on a concept of quirky and city dwellers, where local and travelers mix in a relaxed and trendy setting.

Also when the Casa Barbara project appeared, immediately, the cursors began to wave.

Casa Barbara, un nouvelle marque dans l'univers des résidences avec services pour Seniors avec à la conception Serge et Jérémie Trigano

"Casa Barbara," said Serge Trigano, "is protecting your health above all because it is your most precious property and the incomparable know-how of Korian teams is there for that.Meeting because loneliness is a word that does not exist at Casa Barbara.Live in apartments drawn by the talented decorator Sandra Benhamou but adapted to your tastes and your desires.Realize your dreams because we finally have time.Learn because it is the right time to become for example IT expert and thus communicate more easily with those we love or those we are about to love.Enjoy meals imagined by renowned chief Pierre Gagnaire.

Receive her grandchildren in a festive atmosphere and make it the most beautiful moments of happiness for them and for us.

Laugh simply because life is beautiful with new friends.Traveling because it is never too late to go and discover the beauties of the world thanks to trips organized by Casa Barbara.

Remember and share the most beautiful moments of our life by films, music, perfumes.Seduce because there is no age for that.Transmit to others our experience, personal and professional, and thus give even more meaning to this stage of our life.And then simply to have fun because after a life of work, constraints and stress he came time to think about you and have a good time.»»»»

In the menus, renowned head Pierre Gagnaire

For restoration, it was imperative to rethink the subject and imagine what could be the table of such a place of life.For this, as in terms of decoration, architecture, health, there are specialists.And even artists.These are the chefs.And among these, there are high-flying humanists whose wish is not to revolutionize cooking, but to make it move forward, to enlighten it.

Pierre Gagnaire has enthusiastically agreed to develop tasty recipes, which will be offered in a wide variety of gourmet experiences (buffets, brunch, discovery of kitchens of the world...)).

Une offre à base de produits frais de saison, des menus équilibrés et confectionnés sur place, une cuisine « faite maison»»»» qui enchantera les papilles des habitants de la Casa Barbara et celles de leurs invités.

"Cooking is not measured in terms of tradition or modernity. On doit y lire la tendresse du cuisinier»»»» souligne Pierre Gagnaire.

In colored pencils, Sandra Benhamou

Giving meaning was child's play. D’emblée, Korian & Serge & Jérémie Trigano ont confié à la célèbre architecte d’intérieur Sandra Benhamou, le soin de mettre des couleurs sur les lieux de vie pour seniors audacieux. Repérée par ses réalisations à l’hôtel Castelbrac, à Dinard, dans des résidences hauts de gamme (Paris, New-York…)), des campings cinq étoiles, un bistrot et un burger bar à Bruxelles, ainsi que sa propre ligne de mobilier (Ginger)), Sandra Benhamou s’est totalement investie pour créer « un nouveau concept global»»»».

"I wanted, she said, rethink living spaces, imagine a peaceful, joyful, happy world with spaces where children and grandchildren would be welcome, at home. C’est précisément cette dimension de « chez soi»»»» qui a guidé mon choix pour des coloris gais, des teintes douces, des fibres naturelles, de la terre cuite au sol, des boiseries.

The Casa Barbara, it is for me above all places of sharing, where one will never feel alone.This is why we thought them like holiday homes, not as hotels, restaurants but with flexible, malleable places where you can have lunch, play cards, take tea, take yourtime in an armchair, a sofa, on a bench ...

There will even be a huge central bar where you can take hot chocolate, converse, receive, exchange.

Our master idea is to pamper the inhabitants of the casa.That they feel at home and consider that they

abordent le début d’une nouvelle vie, heureuse et enjolivée»»»».

Originally, a meeting

Arnaud Choulet, Executive Director of Senior Services Residences at Korian, one day hears Serge Trigano evoke on a radio antenna his desire to develop senior services.

He contacted him and offers him to build a new story.

"Serge and Jérémie Trigano," he says, perfectly master the codes of conviviality and welcome.They have a real ability to give a soul to places.Above all, they do it with a rare and communicative quality: kindness.

We were able to build with enthusiasm a strong proposal for seniors

today, those who like to fully enjoy life and this, with energy, intelligence, comfort and security.

Casa Barbara is the opposite of monotony, the remedy for loneliness. La volonté de rendre la vie souriante, aimante et apaisée»»»».

The secret boot: a couple of hosts

The alchemy of two expertise, that of Korian and the Trigano, is to lead to solutions, to anticipate reality.Dreaming of a welcome worthy of a country house. Et en cela, la présence dans les lieux de vie d’un couple avec enfants (et de leur animal de compagnie)) constitue la touche appropriée pour consolider à la fois cette dimension de chaleur et de convivialité.They will live on site and give fluidity to the residence.

It is undoubtedly here that the atmosphere of the house will seal, with a radically new experience and a disruptive relational code.Life, finally, must be a party and Casa Barbara is a pioneer in the matter.

Common joy, but also cozy intimacy

If Casa Barbara will operate on empathy and joy, the private space will respect the intimacy and the calm of its inhabitants.

Each apartment will constitute a deep domain of peace where everyone will be at home, with their furniture and paintings.It will also be possible to decorate your apartment in the Casa Barbara style.

To experience, Sophie Boissard, Managing Director of the Korian group

In such a complex and sensitive universe, renewing itself is undoubtedly the most exciting human adventure for a group like Korian.Known for its expertise in the great age via its retirement homes, the group gradually diversified, first in clinics to meet the challenges of diseases and accidents for the elderly. Puis, au fur et à mesure que les maisons de retraite se sont médicalisées et spécialisées pour mieux accompagner la grande dépendance (très grand âge et problèmes cognitifs type Alzheimer)), est née l’envie de mieux répondre à un autre besoin des personnes âgées : celui de rompre la solitude. C’est ainsi que le Groupe a développé son offre avec l’aide à domicile Petits-fils, les colocations seniors Ages&Vie et les résidences services seniors Les Essentielles.

Entreprise engagée au service des personnes âgées et fragiles avec plus de 1100 cliniques et maisons de retraite, Korian veut aujourd’hui proposer de nouvelles solutions pour les seniors, avec à terme un réseau de Casa Barbara à travers toute laFrance et peut-être ensuite, à l’étranger.

"Thanks to the new brand Casa Barbara and the collaboration with Serge and Jérémie Trigano, enthuses Sophie Boissard, the Korian group continues to offer innovative offers and services meeting the new expectations of baby boomers that have become great while claiming even moreto change the look at this period of life in depth.»»

« Chez Casa Barbara, poursuit-elle, les seniors d’aujourd’hui peuvent choisir de mieux profiter de ces belles années, en renouant avec une environnement social riche sans faire de concession sur la sécurité ou la prise en compte de leur état de santé»»»».

« Nous réinventons ici les codes de l’habitat des seniors en créant des lieux de vie singuliers alliant le meilleur du domicile, une intimité préservée, et la convivialité et la chaleur d’espaces partagés… des lieux où l’on vient par plaisir avant tout»»»» conclut la Directrice générale du groupe Korian.

Sophie Boissard

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