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7 things to do when you turn 30

According to the old thirty-somethings, there are a few simple rules to take full advantage of this period of your life.

Thirty is the perfect time to settle down. You can't keep moving forward without getting rid of certain risks or bad habits that you had in your twenties.

We researched and noted recurring points from 2 Quora threads: “What is the biggest mistake of your 30s and what lesson did you learn from it?” and "Looking back, what would you have liked to do in your 30s that you didn't?". We also analyzed Mark Manson's article "10 Life Lessons To Excel In Your 30s".

Many 30-somethings seem so obsessed with the idea of ​​starting a family and their careers that they neglect important relationships and ignore opportunities that may not come again.

We have collected frequent advice from those who have already turned 40 below.

Spending time with the people you love

Manson has received over 600 feedback from readers who are already over 40. One of the most recurring tips is to stop spending time with people who don't respect you and, instead, spend more time with people you like.

"Don't spend all your time at work. Make memories. The older you get, the harder it becomes to build lasting relationships," writes on Quora Michael Dorian Bach, Product Designer at Microsoft .

Entrepreneur and blogger James Altucher reminds us that we must not forget that parents age with us. “When I was 34, I hung up on my dad after an argument and never called him back. Six months later he had a heart attack and died. emailed to check in and didn't respond. I'm sorry dad."

Having more ambition

Twenty-year-olds often start their careers with big goals that they end up putting aside to settle for a job they don't feel passionate about. Before having had time to say phew, a temporary job becomes a permanent job.

7 things to do when you turn 30

An anonymous Internet user writes on Quora that one of the biggest mistakes of his/her 30s was to become "addicted to a monthly salary", in the sense that he/she chose the security of the employment at the expense of a fulfilling career.

Setting up a business or changing sectors of activity is certainly more difficult at 35 than at 25, but it is not impossible. And it might be the right decision to make.

Vera Wang, for example, entered the fashion world only after 40 years. She is now one of the best creators in the world.

Don't obsess over the future

Manson says his 20s taught him that there isn't one click after which you feel like a responsible adult in control. He was relieved to see his older readers saying the same thing about their 30s.

"Unless you are already dead (mentally, emotionally and socially), you cannot anticipate the life you will have in 5 years. Not everything will turn out the way you expect. So stop. Stop thinking that you can plan too far in advance. Stop obsessively thinking about what's going to happen because nothing will go as planned anyway. Stop trying to control the direction your life is going," writes Thomas , one of Manson's readers.

Having goals for you and your family is healthy, but don't stress too much about the details. Recognize that you still have a lot to learn and that you will continue to build yourself in unexpected ways.

Deciding whether to have children, or not

Not everyone is cut out to have children, but the majority of people who wrote to Manson or posted a comment on Quora says he realized that it's a bad idea to put off his desire to have children in favor of the search for an ideal situation. If you want children, have them before it's too late.

“You don't have time. You don't have enough money. Having kids is the most beautiful thing in the world. They make you better, on every level. You go the extra mile for them. They make you happy. You shouldn't put this project off," writes Kevin, a Manson reader.

Paying attention to your health

With a growing list of responsibilities, eating a healthy diet and exercising are two of the first things to go by the wayside. But consider putting in some effort on both sides and see it as a long-term investment.

"Have a healthy lifestyle. It's THE priority. Don't go into your thirties without energy and tired all the time. It sucks," writes Michael Dorian Bach on Quora.

“At 41, I suffered from physical ailments that might not have happened if I had had a healthier lifestyle,” laments Adam Dehner on Quora.

Building a financial foundation for the future

Hope you used your 20s to find a way to pay off the student loan. Also hope you have started shelving. If you reach your thirties with empty pockets, it's not too late. However, it's time to start saving for retirement.

Altucher recounts the many times when, when he was 30, he invested almost all his money in a business and then lost it all. He's made up for it since then, but he views his past failures as the result of foolish recklessness.

Find out how much of your salary you can easily do without and consider setting up automatic transfers to retirement savings plans, or any other type of savings account.

Keep having fun

Being 20 doesn't mean you don't have to have fun anymore. Bach writes on Quora that in his 30s he spent a lot of time chasing money, and it made him unhappy and disillusioned.

Jeff Miller, a Quora user adds that he realized that the best times of his 30s were those spent with his wife or playing with his children. Among all the participants, one subject comes up regularly: striving to work hard to earn money is pointless if you are not enjoying life.

Article by Richard Feloni. Translation by Manon Franconville, JDN.

See the original article: 7 Things Successful People Do In Their 30s

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